Saturday, June 19, 2010

How fat am I getting???

I attended a baby shower today and it got me thinking. Why is it that at baby showers you have to play all those games? All of the guessing. What baby food is in what jar? Name the movie star baby. Name the poopie diaper candy bar game.
But my personal favorite is the guess how many inches around the "Mother-to-be's belly has grown or the
How Fat Am I Getting???
This has got to be the most horrible, degrading, thing you can do to a young mother. Here is this expectant Mother, already self conscious because she no-longer can see her feet and what do we get to do. We get to guess how big around she has grown.
Maybe I am off base but I think this one has got to go. Although this Mom-to-Be's belly measured in at a whopping 32" at 8 months. That is so crazy. I didn't begin to be pregnant at 32". Chelsie took it all in stride, although I could have died for her as her Mom sat there reading of the largest and the smallest of measurements. Poor girl somebody guessed she had grown to be six feet around.


heather said...

I agree. Although I FEEL like a whale, I know that I'm not actually THAT big.... yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on that one. I hate that game! I think if the hostess decides to pick it, all the guests should get to guess her waist size too. ;)

The Atomic Mom said...

Or you can just ask not to play games at your shower. I did that when I had mine....people were shocked. I just told them in my family we don't do the games, and since my family was far away, they needed to just go along with me.

Good luck though, it does get better! :)

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