Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pepe' le Phew...

On occasion living on the bench of the mountain we have reminders that we a living in someone elses territory or somethings territory and last week we were given such a reminder. The weather has been so wonderful that we have been able to sleep with the windows open at night instead of having to turn on the A/C. One night I wish it would have been too warm. Around 2:00 am, I started to stir thinking there was something not right, Eric also began to wake up both of us realizing there was an awful smell coming into our house.
It was the horrible stinking putrid smell of a skunk. We got up and shut all of the window in the house spraying down everything with Oust, and Febreeze. It was awful.
Nasty, horrible, smell that it is. I know I usually don't think anything of the smell of a skunk when I drive by a dead one on the road. But oh my goodness. I have never smelled anything so horrible.

However, the next day we found out that it wasn't just us or our home with the stink. Everyone in our neighborhood was suffering. A skunk had died in the field up behind our house and had stunk up everything in a five block radius. Luckily some other carnivore that doesn't mind the smell came along and had itself a late night supper or or really early breakfast.

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