Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What a weekend...

Last weekend was a whirlwind of fun. It all began from the second I left work. I headed straight to my brother Mike's for Mr. Lincoln's 1st birthday party. I cannot believe it has been a year.He is such a cutie.
Guido then had a fundraiser the next morning at a restaurant a family in our ward owns.It was an all you can eat pancake breakfast. So we loaded up the kids and off to breakfast we went. Guido was the Host since he was the only one who listened and showed up in dress clothes. He did a great job and I was so very proud of how well he took to playing host for the morning. They did really well and raised a great deal of money for their trip. They are headed to Yellowstone and down the Snake river. I am excited for him to go on his first rafting trip. It will get him ready for our trip down the Colorado in September.
After we left Chubb's it was off to Manti, for the Mormon Miracle Pageant. It proved to be a wonderful time once again.So many amazing memories.We had Mike and Brittney join us this year and had a great time.I have to say I watched and listened really hard and didn't hear any Star Trek music nor saw a single image of what Joseph might cash those gold plates in for. It was very peaceful this year, the protester's and the bugs were minimal.
Sunday afternoon we went up to Brittney's grandfathers cabin. Michael has been up there building an amazing deck and a Zip Line. We spent the afternoon flying through the air, riding around on the four-wheelers and the rhino and just enjoying the beautiful summer weekend.

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