Saturday, April 23, 2011

Struggling with service.....

I had my life all mapped out. I was planning on being an attorney. One of the youngest female attorneys ever to graduate from BYU. Then life changed.
I got a part time job at 18 at an ICFMR working with children with physical and mental disabilities. I received my CNA license and never looked back at that other map.
My direction changed and here I am 21 years later working in the Human Service Field and never regretting a day of it. I love what I do and I love giving service to others.
Not one person was shocked, other then myself when the bishop called me in the office about two months ago. I was a little nervous when the conversation was opened by being asked if I had a passport. I laughed and said I didn't need a passport to teach primary. I was called that day as the Humanitarian specialist.
Everyone says this is my true calling. I guess it must be because I have never struggled so much. It has weighed heavy on my heart.
So many question come to my mind. Why do people serve? Why don't they serve? Shouldn't they serve with out having to be begged to do so? The questions go on and on.....
and then we were at a meeting and it happened. One of my fellow sisters made a comment and I lost it. The statement was made that she might not work quite so fast on her projects because what we are working on was going to North Korea.
I asked her if those children hurt differently, did they cry different tears, did they suffer less, was their pain different? And even if these things all were different weren't they too children of our Heavenly Father?
Then I felt bad. I began to question why I served, why others served, why bother.  I guess I should have kept my mouth shut but I just couldn't it. Since that time I have searched through the scriptures, reading and re-reading everything pertaining to service. I have come to the conclusion that I know why we should serve and I know why I have dedicated the past 21 years of my life to serving and with continue to do so. There will be no wavering my commitment to serving others. Not now or ever again.


Shawnie Cannon said...

Love the ponder in your post. Specifically "why do the serve, why don't they serve"? I think I don't serve when I'm full of myself and my own importance and when I put my life in front of everyone else's. I do serve when I have the Spirit. Simple.

Morgan Hagey said...

I feel often torn in many directions and service gets sort of lost in it all. This reminds me to pray for opportunities. :)

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