Sunday, June 12, 2011

Battle Creek Falls

One of our favorite family hikes is to go to Battle Creek Falls because we can access the trail pretty much from our own backyard. this year Daisy and I have not joined in because of either the weather or being out of town. We went up there today and I was amazed at the amount of water coming through and all the water still needing to come down. On April 6th, Guido and Eric went up with some of the other guys in the ward to clear away brush and broken limbs from the stream to prevent flooding . The right fall was just a trickle that day.
The falls on April 6th

 This is how they looked today

Me and my boys...and the sweet Daisy Mae.

Me, Guido, and one Happy dog (even with the leash)
What a beautiful day today was.
I am so thankful we can just walk out the door and go enjoy such amazing and beautiful scenery.
I love it!!! 

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