Sunday, June 12, 2011

Service with a smile .....

As I sat and watched over the children in the primary room, I couldn't help but smile. Even though I was exhausted to the point of delirium, I knew that there was some way I would get through the next 5 hours of this day just fine. How did I know that? Because I knew Heavenly Father was going to help me through. Why would he help me? Because I asked.
That ladies and gentlemen was what I began to write last Wednesday night after being up for almost 22 hours and needing to go back to bed so I could be up in 5. I opted for bed because I figured I would get back to it later. The sad thing is, later came four days later. But at least it came.
The scene I was looking was our Stake Family Humanitarian Day and it was amazing. Our ward was tasked with being in charge of the 7-12 year old projects. We had several projects that we did, loom hats, bead animals, activity bags, but it was the cloth balls that all of the kids loved. It was so amazing to listen to these children talk about what they were doing, where they thought there item might go, and how excited the little boy or girl would be that would receive that item. Many of these children wanted to walk through the entire process of making these balls, from sewing, to stuffing, and stitching up the final hole. Then to have the joy of placing it on the completed item table.
I must have taught 20 children to sew, with a needle and thread that day (including my own son.) They were so patient to wait their turn for a needle to be available and then to be able to be taught. Just so that they could say that they completed one of these balls themselves, and that it was going to some boy or girl who didn't have one. As tired as I was that day I couldn't help but walk away feeling so edified by each and everyone of those children who now have a beautiful testimony of service. What a beautiful thing it is to be able to provide service to others. I am so blessed by it every day of my life and so thankful I have this amazing calling where I can support others to know and experience the same feelings as well.

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