Friday, June 17, 2011

Maintaining a firm stance....

"It requires courage to make good choices, even when others around us choose differently. As we make righteous choices day by day in little things, the Lord will strengthen us and help us choose the right during more difficult times. "The teachings and values we cherish the most are not embraced by a secular world. To maintain a firm stance for ourselves and our children, the message of the restored gospel must be firmly planted in our hearts and taught in our homes."~W. Craig Zwick, "We Will Not Yield, We Cannot Yield," Ensign, May 2008, 98

I am so proud of my boy, this entire group of boys for that matter. It amazes me how as they have grown older and are becoming teenagers, they still hold strong to what they believe in. They support and defend one another and the values they believe in. Guido is so blessed to have such great friends and a great support system. We as parents are so blessed he has such great friends. I look at one of his cousins, he is a little older then Guido, but he doesn't have this strong group of friends. They are involved in things that are unclean and immoral and it is so sad to see for such a sweet, smart young boy. His parents are not involved in the church so he has not been taught how to make those good choices or how to have the strength to stand behind them. It is interesting because you will hear him talk about going to seminary in one sentence and then dog on the church in the next. I know this boy is a good kid, hopefully one day he will be able to find that strength for himself. I wish he were able to be around Guido more, what a good role model he could be for him.

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