Friday, August 26, 2011

A picture IS worth a thousand words.....

There was a time in my life when I never would allow a picture to be taken of me. I would avoid it, because I was ashamed of myself and who I thought I was.I was walking in the store yesterday when I noticed a clerk was taking pictures of his LEGO display. I stopped so he could finish and he said " No, I need a model will you pose for a picture." I laughed and said,"No" He said, "Pretty please." So I gave in.
I would have never done that. Say, two or three years ago. Around that time Guido asked me why I was not in any pictures with him.Yes, we have family pictures. But no candid "Life" shots. At that point I decided I was no longer going to hide. I didn't care what my weight was. It is what it is. I want my son to have pictures to show his children and his grandchildren of his mother.
My niece was playing with my phone two weeks ago and I was showing her how to use the camera.I had pointed it at her mother, when she said, "Don't do that my mother doesn't like us to take her picture." Then again last weekend when my sister-in-law was going to take some candid family shots the same (mom) said "We aren't going to take any pictures this weekend."It made me so sad but I spoke up and said I wanted to make sure to get a picture of all of my husbands siblings with their parents. Luckily, both of my husbands sisters agreed and we took pictures. I have learned my lesson and realize that no matter what the situation be.....
Whether I have just finished a 5K
or hiked 5 miles down a canyon
Been 140 pounds heavier
been in love
or just been having fun!!!
I will never ever miss the opportunity to capture a picture, another moment, or another precious memory.

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