Thursday, September 29, 2011

Precious gifts....

I think when you hit any milestone birthday you always think back and analyze yourself and your life. With the higher those numbers getting the more you begin to judge and criticize. However, as I was sitting in our annual Fall conference at work the following questions were asked of us; How will you be remember? What will people say about you when you are gone? We were asked to answer on behalf of the ourselves and then the others in the group. I was in tears when they were done reading the comments about me.
Since I needed to be at work yesterday and had no reason to just take the day off, what an amazing way to spend the day. What a gift to receive!!! I loved knowing that my co-workers thought I was genuine, sweet, compassionate just to say a few. That they were just appreciative to have me in their presence.
I thought of those questions and thought about what I have done in my life and how I will be remembered if I were to leave this earth today. I can say that I have a family that I love dearly.I have a smart and handsome son, who is an amazing influence on me. I have a wonderful husband who loves and supports me no matter what. My friends, what can I say except that they are angels put on this earth to hold me up and last of all my job. I can't even call it a job. It is my life energy, and the fact that I have spent most of my adult life support such special spirits is a gift in itself. I couldn't ask to be blessed more.
So when I look back over my life. There are things I would change and things I wouldn't. I think I could say that each and every day I have tried my best to make sure I have made a difference in someone's life. I am very proud of that and glad I made that decision so long ago not to take that path I initially chose.Had I done so I would never have met and created the relationships I have over the years. They most precious gifts I could ever wish for!!!

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