Sunday, November 20, 2011

I hope they call me on a mission....

Today we were told by the stake presidency that numbers rivaled that of stake conference. The young women and men in our ward went out like a great army to share the words of the gospel in a real world experience. As I dropped Guido off, I was so excited for him to begin this experience and I couldn't wait to see what our day would bring as well.
Ready to Serve
Our first set of missionaries were to come for lunch and then teach a discussion.They were wonderful and polite young men.They read most of the lesson out of the manual but both had a testimony.
Once they left we waited for the knock on the door for our next group of young men.This set of young men we were supposed to turn away. However, when they showed up they were actually the third group. Which were supposed to be a cold call but we were to allow them in the home and listen to the lesson. So after they gave their introduction, I told them I wasn't interested. Then I looked at their chaperone who signaled to me that they were the third group. So I asked the boys "Tell me why I should let you in my home?" Then one boy said, "Wouldn't you like your family to be together forever? We can tell you how to make that possible." I said, "Okay, come on in." The second we did introductions there was something different. I realized that one of these young boys had a disability. That didn't stop him at all, the lesson they gave was amazing. He didn't use his manual at all, he spoke from the heart, and the spirit was strong.
It was such an incredible experience. As we went to pick Guido up it was as we were in the presence of greatness. Guido talked and talked about his experience with such excitement. I was so proud to know that he was so edified by it and is looking forward to being a ready missionary each and every day, until that day he is called to serve.

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