Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome back T......

Today I learned how strong I have become and how much others draw from my strength. During group we are asked how we are feeling and what we are thankful for. When my sister said she was thankful for me and the strength I have given to support her, I was so proud of her. She has struggled so much in the past few years and for her to even be able to say that to me, let alone in front of a group of thirty people was pretty amazing. I have seen her change in the past few weeks. She is getting stronger and more stable each week and as she begins to open up she is letting out all she has been keeping in for so long. I see a light returning to her eyes, that light  I remember.
I have questioned why I have gone through the trials I did in my life and how I have been able to process them. I know now that Heavenly Father gave me that strength so I could be there to support my sister and her family through this trial and difficult time in their lives. I know that when  it is all over I will have my sister back and that is worth any amount of pain I have had to go through.

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