Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's beggining to look alot like Christmas.....

I promised I would post some pictures from around the house so here they are. Since we have hide away shelves in the garage, that I can't reach, I have to be very patient with Eric as I ask him to get the many bins down to get everything out and then get the bins returned until they are ready to put everything up. He has been good about me saying, I can't find this or that can you find me this bin. I am still missing a few things but that goes with the joys of moving.
 Anyway, our halls our decked and we are ready to celebrate this joyous Holiday season.....
Daisy's favorite spot

A friend of mine made that tile last year for me and our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

The Tree

The front hall

My cookie jars...now I just need to get baking, or I guess I could just buy some cookies and pretend I made them.

Singing, dancing, and talking toys.
When Eric and I first got married I began to collect Nativities. I have purchased or been given one every year we have been married.
From Germany

Little Elvish Nativity

I got this at the Festival of the Trees 

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Stained Glass

Celtic Nativity

Crystal Nativity

Nativity from Africa

The Newest Addition- The Peanuts crew, under the Charlie Brown tree

My First Nativity

My Gingerbread Nativity

We are looking forward to family time and lots of wonderful memories. That truly is what it is all about.

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