Saturday, February 4, 2012

So beautiful, but so evil.....

I hate mice. I have discovered it is because they scare me and I cannot control them. You will be sitting there wondering what the heck your looking at and then all of the sudden realize it is a mouse. Yuck!!!
So on Sunday Guido and I are sitting in Sacrament meeting, when I look up and notice one of the guys is fiddling around with his notebook a few rows ahead of us. He is looking under the seats, as is his entire family is watching him. As I am watching him, all of the sudden, a mouse comes shooting back from under the pew in front of me and I shriek and throw my feet up on Guido. My neighbor sitting across the isle asks "What?" and I tell her " A Mouse!!!" The girl behind me does the same thing but we must have scared it back towards the front.
Well everyone on the left side of the chapel, as well as on the podium, knows what is going on, the right side doesn't and thinks we are being rude. We get through the speaker. Which at this point I feel so bad for him because over half of the congregation isn't paying attention to him at all. I know as hard as I was trying to focus I was more worried about that stupid mouse.
We then have a rest hymn and the next speaker talks. She jokes about the mouse and how she is probably more nervous about seeing it surface then giving her talk. Then the next speaker is up. Young kid, from Ecuador, he starts out strong, you can feel the spirit and the message he is bringing and then a huge scream.....
from the front row of the overflow, where there sits, many of the young senior women, of our ward. They all start giggling. I look over to the main set of pews and see my neighbors son crawling under them like he is crawling under barbed-wire trying to catch the mouse. It jumps over one of the sister's bags, across the isle and heads straight under our pew.
You could tell where the mouse was the entire meeting due to the semi-silent shrieks, heads bobbing down under seats and then giggles, for the rest of the meeting; like some sort of backwards wave.It took everything I could muster just to sit in my seat and not run screaming out of the chapel. Come to find out it was not just one little field mouse it was four, that is why the thing was moving around the chapel so fast.
I felt so bad for the speakers, I went up after the meeting and apologized. They all said it was hard to keep a straight face and not bust out laughing, just watching this scene play out before them. I told them I would have traded them places any day.
Now being a mice hater and all you would think that I love cats. Well not so much. I think they are evil little creatures, who are snobby, and too smart for their own good. I read somewhere once that if you died in your house and were there for days, your cat would eat you before it starved to death. That is just evil. We have a herd, pact, or should I say Coven of these little demons at work. We have them because people feed them, which they shouldn't do, but they do. It drives me crazy. These cats are beautiful but they are mean. I hate them and they hate me. It is funny because I have never done anything to these cats but scare them off. However, they sure don't like me. They will run when they see me coming, that is all but this one. I call her Queen Sheba. Queen Sheba, will hiss at me when I walk out the door, whenever I work a late night. She sits and watches for me when I am doing my walk through of the building. She will run down the window pains following along, just her. The rest of the Coven scatter. It is like she is tormenting me, watching me, waiting to pounce. Queen Sheba is going to find her way to the pound if she doesn't knock it off. I have tried to give these cats away to my staff. I told them it was their bonus, but most of them agree they are evil. I should be nice and relocate them all up to my church so they can take care of the mice. But then I would have the evil cats hanging around my church and I do not know if I could handle being hissed at ever time I entered and exited the church.

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