Thursday, February 9, 2012

A big thanks....

My heart is so full this morning that I just had to take a moment to share.I am feeling so thankful and blessed for all of the little and big things that I have in my life right now.
Of coarse I am thankful for the usual things such as the roof over my head and food to eat.
But I am so blessed to have such an amazing son. He hurt his foot yesterday and when the doctor asked if we had a pair of crutches, He said " Oh, I can use my mom's. Then we won't have to spend money for any more." The doctor laughed, considering there is only a six inch height difference. Luckily he is going to be able to do without them.
I am so blessed to have such amazing friends at work. Some of them have been so patient with me as I am learning my new job. Others so patient as I have been an emotional wreck about leaving my old job. Either way, I am lucky to have a great support system.
and last of all my ward friends and sisters whom, knowing I had to rush Guido of to the hospital stepped in to take over my responsibilities during our stake activity. Thank you, I will make it up to you all somehow =c)

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