Friday, November 21, 2008

Mason's Playground

Our new home sits against the "G" Mountain in Pleasant Grove. Everything behind us is BLM land, which means there will never be anything built behind us. I take Daisy on hikes up the mountain almost everyday and everyday I am amazed at how beautiful Utah Valley is. I was watching Mason and his "pack" of friends playing yesterday and had to smile. He reminded me of my little brothers playing warrior games when they where younger. I am so thankful that he is able to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. He and his friends have everything imaginable to play with inside-computers, Wii, or the Xbox. But no, they enjoy Mason's new "Playground". I am so thankful that he has such a wonderful group of friends. I think of each of my brothers and how each of them still is close with several of their friends that they had when they where Mason's age. I hope that it will be the same for Mason. That his life will always be blessed with such great friends.

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