Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Time

As I sat in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday I thought about all of the things that I am Thankful for. I began to make a mental list in my head so that I could share them here with you .
For the closing hymn we sang Count Your Blessings which could not be a more perfect song for this Thanksgiving Time. I have been whistling that song since Sunday, I think to remind me I want to share with you my many blessings.

Here is a few of the things that I am so very Thankful for:

1) The love of my wonderful husband
2) My sweet son
3) My family who loves me no matter what
4) My grandmother and all the lessons she has taught me
5) Our home
6) My best friend who I have known more then half of my life
7) The ability to find humor in most anything
8) My friends who are strong for and inspirational to me
9) The honor of having been able to meet and share life with many very special spirits
10) My dog
11) Faith
12) Lessons that I have learned in my life
13) Butterflies
14) The Mountains
15) Freedom
16) Missionaries
17) A great Prophet to guide us
18) Fireplaces on a cold night
19) The renewal of Spring
20) The warmth of Summer
21) The smell of Fall
22) The peacefulness of Winter
23) Thank you notes
24) Laughter
25) Modern Medicine
26) My Dentist – Dr. Bret, Thanks for my smile
27) Music of the 80’s
28) Laughing with Eric until he cries
29) Hearing and making Mason giggle
30) For the trust and guidance of a Father in Heaven
31) Early morning walks
32) Summer nights
33) Hearing my son wonder where he might go on his mission
34) My nieces – who I can share life’s lessons with
35) The ability to vote
36) Primary songs
37) Having to “put up with” my Husbands sense of humor
38) Text messages
39) Vacuum cleaners
40) Sleep
41) Rainy Sunday afternoons
42) Daisies
43) Inside jokes – that make me giggle
44) Knowing I made a difference in someones life
45) The power of prayer
46) An inquisitive child
47) Pedicures
48) Pomegranates
49) The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
50) Indoor Plumbing
51) Fuzzy slippers
52) Having a husband who “puts up with me” during the best and the worst of times
53) Memories that make you laugh out loud
54) The Scriptures
55) Pool Days
56) Heated car seats
57) General Conference and the guidance it brings
58) Strong family traditions
59) Car rides with my dog
60) Email
61) Ripe peaches
62) Leaves to rake in the fall
63) A good movie that’s on a 2:00am when I am done sleeping
64) Family dinners – just because
65) Seeing four generations of family together
66) Random acts of kindness
67) Hummingbirds
68) Playing games that work even if the power goes out
69) Guidance from the Holy Ghost
70) Mason’s Lego creations
71) Baking with my Grandmother
72) My car
73) A good game of chess
74) Music in the air
75) Picking apricots in my grandmother's orchard
76) Good Japanese food
77) Having a talented mother that will figure out a way to do anything I need
78) Cold Watermelon
79) Small town parades on the 4th of July
80) Fireworks
81) Clear, starry nights
82) Being able to communicate with someone who can’t verbally communicate
83) Jasmine Tea
84) Mp3 players
85) A technologically savvy husband
86) Playing cards with my grandmother and her sisters
87) Blessings
88) Flip- flops
89) Antiques with stories
90) Campfires
91) Family Reunions
92) Cinnamon
93) Happy endings
94) Fresh pineapple
95) Volunteer opportunities
96) Sunrises
97) Heritage
98) Funny Cards from friends
99) Smiling just because

And most of all I am thankful for our Savior and all that he sacrificed for us!

May you also have so many wonderful things to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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