Friday, November 28, 2008


My Grandmother has always wanted to have a sit down dinner with all of her family at one table.We have never been able to do that because the family has gotten so large. We were able to do that for her this year. I was so happy to be able to provide that for her. We had 31 people at our home and were able to all sit at the table together as a family. I was able to reflect on all of the traditions that we have developed over the years. I have two very fond ones to share with you.

One is the edible Turkey. It is always the centerpiece on whatever table we are dining at. The edible Turkey is made out of all edible items.(Obviously)My fondest memory of the turkey is how when I was little I would sneak all of the cherries of the off of the head. I would eat them and then wander off to play. But when I got back to the Turkey all of the cherries would be back on the Turkey again. Eventually I figured out that my grandmother had a whole jar of cherries tucked away and ready to put back on the turkey as they got eaten.

The other is Black Friday Shopping. My best friend Aneliese and I have gone for years. My mother started to go with us and then about three years ago my nieces Katie and Hailey joined in. We always go with the same plan. Walmart, Target, Roberts, and then all the rest of the family meet us for breakfast. We have had many fun experiences and whether we are buying a few things or many we always have a good time. Nothing is more entertaining then watching two middle aged women getting in a knockdown, drag out over a $5.00 barbie. Most people think that we are crazy but that is okay there is an awful lot of people out there with us.
(Pictured L-R )My neice -Katie, Best friend - Ane, and Me.

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