Tuesday, January 6, 2009

But Mom, everyone is wearing them...

So my baby is growing up and quickly at that. I ran out of the house the other day really quickly because I was running late to an appointment. When I got home I noticed my tennis shoes sitting on the stairs. I looked down at my feet and realized, I was in such a hurry I had put on Mason's shoes instead of mine. I was blown away at the fact that Mason and I have the same size feet. I just cannot believe it. Now if I could just fit into his clothes.
Anyway, he has been bugging us since he started Jr. High to get him contact lenses. He says it is so he can play sports better, but I just do not know. He has played sports for the past seven years in glasses and does just fine. But we finally gave in for Christmas we gave him a Gift Certificate for a examination and lenses. We went to the appointment today and his trial lenses for fitting were ordered.

So were am I going with this. Well I have to say I think we are just going down hill or uphill(Whichever way you want to look at it.) Next thing I know girls are going to start calling.


Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Speaking as a lifelong four eyes it's probably going to do wonders for his self esteem if he can wear them successfully. (I have a bit of trouble because I have very pointly eyeballs. lol_

Jenn said...

I think you might be rightt. I do not know why I never even thought of the self-esteem piece. I hope he can wear them as well. All, of the men in my family only wear glasses because contacts don't work for them. Hopefully his eyeballs are like his fathers.

Devon said...

A right of passage! I usually do the contact thing with my kids when they hit Jr. High, so here I am 2 down, only 2 more to go!! (Except the younger 2 have perfect vision)

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