Thursday, January 29, 2009

Napoleon is that you ???

This is the conversation I had with Mason yesterday. After he had called me 10 times in a row and left 0 messages. (I was on another call I couldn't get off.) I swear sometimes I wish I never gave into the cell phone thing.

1:45pm (School is out at 2:30)

"Yes, son" (I am already smiling as it seems like a conversation from The Breakfast Club)
"My lips hurt real bad" (Then laughing as a scene from Napoleon Dynamite begins)
"Use your chapstick"
"I can't I left my chapstick on my desk"
Silence from me...
"Can you bring me my chapstick?"
"No Napoleon, I can't bring you your chapstick"
Silence...This is obviously Mason sensing the sarcasm.
"Okay Mom, love you"
"Okay son, see you tonight and use your chapstick when you get home."

What a kid. I did feel really bad when I saw how red his lips were. I guess that will be the last time he forgets his chapstick though.

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