Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So what if it's only 22 degrees, what is wrong with wearing flipflops...

, I have this big issue with shoes. I do not know if it stems from some hidden childhood trauma, but my feet feel claustrophobic in shoes. Now I have had some serious injuries to my feet. Things that would make many people never want to go barefoot again, ever. I have stepped on a hot charcoal from a barbecue, ripped off my pinky toe, ripped off my big toenail, stepped on many nails, had the assorted cuts from glass, several broken toes and splinters from numerous objects. But I hate to wear shoes.
If you were to look in my closet you would think very differently. I have heels of all colors and heights, the same with boots. I have running shoes for the street, and the trails. I have hiking boots and hiking sandals and do not get me started on on my sandals and flip-flops. I love to BUY shoes!!! That however is where it ends. The buying of the shoes not the wearing them.
I only wear said shoes for as long as I have to, which means in the floorboard of the backseat in my car you can usually find at least five pair of shoes at any given time. I have flip flops on the front passenger floorboard, and running shoes and socks in the trunk. People think I am so strange because the second I can take off actual shoes they are off. When the ground is warm you usually will see me walking barefoot with a pair of heels in my hands. If I am not at work, church or exercising. I am either barefoot or in flip-flops.
So you are probably wondering what started this shoe tangent. An elderly women at the grocery store is what. I dropped Mason, and his friend off at Karate and thought I would run to the grocery store. There was a gentlemen in front of me with a huge cart full of stuff (Macey's is having their huge cereal and case lot sale) but I thought it was no big deal because he had cases of stuff. Anyway, I unload my cart and am just waiting . An elderly women gets behind me and unloads. So I am now stuck between these two people. All of the sudden this women starts going off. She is like " Sweetheart are you crazy it is 22 degrees outside. Are you heading to a barbecue." For a second I am thinking okay lady I wouldn't be calling me crazy I am not randomly yelling at someone in line about the weather and barbecuing. She then said " Aren't your feet freezing, I cannot believe you are wearing flip flops. She continued to go on and on and on. But I just let her because she reminded me of my grandfather.
When I was a teenager I did have one pair of shoes that I loved to wear. They were a pair of white keds and they where trashed and holy from all of the bleaching. But whenever my grandfather would see me wearing them he would give me money. He would say "Jenny, I can't believe you don't have any shoes better then that. Go to the mall and get you some new shoes. He would then give me anywhere from $20-50 to go and replace said trashy shoes." Which of coarse I would oblige and go buy a new pair. He never caught on to the fact that I never threw those tennis shoes away. (Actually, I had these shoes several years into my marriage. Our dog finished them off one day while we where at work. I cried and almost got rid of the dog over it.) Maybe that is where the shoe buying came in!!!
So my question is. Does anyone else out there wear flip flops in January or do I need to seek out some professional help?


Jen - Queen of Poo said...

I have a girlfriend who always wears flip flops. Just two weeks ago someone was yelling at her for it too, "Do you ever wear normal shoes?!" lol Her key chain is a little flip flop.

Jenn said...

Flip-Flops rule!!! Everytime I or anyone I know goes to Hawaii, I stock up. Thanks for letting me know I am not really crazy(:

Jenn said...
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GreenJello said...

My girls wear flip flops year round. And we live in snow-infested Utah, too. :)

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