Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Nana

Today is my Grandmother's 85th Birthday. She is the most amazing women in the world to me. She is always there and she always seems to know what to say. I am so grateful that she is in my life and the life of my family. Eric and Mason absolutely adore her and you can tell how much she loves them.
We thought that we might lose her last year when she had a scare with cancer. She called me know that she had some test run and was a little worried but she was more worried about getting her yard cleaned up. So I called my sister and brothers, we all cleared our plans and went and spent the weekend with her. Getting her yard in order(and I think taking her mind off the worry of the test results.) Everything came back okay and we all were so very grateful.
That weekend meant alot to her and it meant alot to me as well. It showed me how loving and supportive my family is of one another and that no matter what we are always there for one another. Family is sacred to me and I am so appreciative for my grandmother to instill in me the values of, loving one another, being a part of one anothers lives always in good times and bad, and not allowing problems or differences to get in the way because in the grand scheme of things they are just not that important.
I am so thankful that Mason has had the opportunity to spend time and get to know her. When she left for Virginia for the winter he was so sad and told me how much he missed her.He was so excited when he would get a postcard from her. When I asked him what he wanted to say here about her he said he wanted to share how much he loves her because she spends time with him and takes the time to get to know him. That she is interested in what is going on with him and shows how much she loves and cares about him.
The amazing thing with her is that she is that way with all of her children(3), grandchildren(24), and great-grandchildren (25 and counting). We are so very blessed to have her as the Matriarch of our family. She has been a huge part in making me the person I am and I am so grateful for that.
Happy Birthday Nana, We love you always!!!

1 comment:

The Holmgrens said...

Yay Aunt LaRae! Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you found me Jen! What a SMALL world!!!

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