Monday, March 30, 2009

Our New Neighbors...

At exactly 3:29 a.m. I was awoke by a very unfamiliar sound. It was the sound of howling, loud, close, and more then one animal. I went down the hall and looked in on Mason and Daisy. Mason did not stir. Daisy just lifted an eye and went back to sleep. I thought maybe the neighbors dogs had gotten out and were howling to get in somewhere so I went down to the back door to see if anything was out there. Nothing, except for snow and a lot of it. Then I checked the front, just more snow.

This morning when I was getting ready, Eric yelled from the bedroom. "Honey, hurry and come look I see a wolf." Sure enough about 50 feet from our back door there was a wolf.
I called the Wildlife Resource Center. They told me it was more then likely a grey coyote and family. They may stay or they may go. So unless they become a nuisance, we leave them alone they leave us alone. We will accept our new neighbors for who they are and enjoy seeing them for as long as they wish to stay.
Welcome to the Neighborhood!!!

1 comment:

Heidi A. said...

Welcome! You've been added to our MormonMomsWhoBlog!!!
Beautiful blog!

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