Monday, May 18, 2009

60 reasons why " I love you" ...

60 -You always make things as special as they can be
59 -You have taught me how to cherish every moment spent with family as a presious treasure
58- You have taught me to stand up for my beliefs
57- You have taught me to love my country
56 -You spend time with your grandson and he knows how much you love him
55- You laugh when we tease you
54- You never let us forget who we are
53- You share your testimony
52- You do whatever you can to help out
51-You are genuine in who you are
50- You always let me be who I wanted to be
49- You challenged me to make my own choices
48- You spent time with me
47- You helped me out when I needed it
46- You made me cute clothes and did my hair
45-You talk soap operas with your son-in-law
44- You never treated my friends badly (No matter what color their hair was)
43- You went without so that I could have the best of everything
42-You always let us keep the dog that "followed us home"
41- You instilled in me the importance of voting
40- You play video games with your grandchildren
39- You make things seem not so bad
38- You have the best taste in jewelry
37- You spoil your son-in-law with his chocolate and sugar needs.
36- You take interest in your grandsons life
35- You can talk sports with your son-in-law
34- You always made sure each holiday was a special event
33- You can laugh at yourself
32- You love pool days just as much as we do
31- You always made sure that our birthday parties were the best
30- You showed me how important family is
29- You taught me how to forgive
28- You love my husband as a son and do not treat him as an in-law
27- You have shared your love for politics
26- You can fix most anything
25- You always do your best to protect me- even when I didn't deserve it
24- You have a sense of humor
23- You bring home the best treats
22- You love your Heavenly Father
20 - You have ideas for anything
19- You let us have a pet duck (That followed my brother home)
18- You are there just to listen
17- You have great taste in music
16- You were always the cool Mom and are now the cool Grandma
15- You have taught me to advocate for what I think is right
14- You taught me to have compassion for others
13- You have a great impact on all of those who cross your path
12- You are a wonderful support to others
11- You have taught me the importance of service
10- You take the time to be involved
9- You have taught me the true meaning of free agency
8- You have showed me the importance of loving your family
7- You stand up for your beliefs
6- You not afraid to let me be right
5- You shared your knowledge and love of the gospel
4- You taught me the true meaning of patriotism
3- You helped me to be the mother that I am
2- You loved me no matter what
1- You are my Mom
Happy Birthday Dear Mother
A birthday tribute to you on your 60th...
We love you !!!

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