Monday, May 4, 2009

Nothing feels better...

I used to have a huge phobia of going to the Dentist. I can remember as a child having a dental assistant hold me down while a dentist pulled out two of my teeth. The teeth needed to be pulled because the permanent teeth had grown in and the baby teeth were not even loose. So yes they needed to be removed but that removal cost me many years of anxiety and fear.
I went for years without ever going to the dentist but I paid for it. Physically, emotional and of coarse financially.
I chipped my front tooth when I was about 10 and had to have a crown put on. I remember that visit like it was yesterday. The anxiety I had made me barely able to breathe. That dentist did a horrible job and I was so self conscious about my smile I would usually try to cover my mouth when I was talking, laughing or smiling.
When I got pregnant with Mason my teeth began to fall apart. I had to have one pulled, a root canal, and my wisdom teeth all began to bother me. Because of the anxiety I had they felt I shouldn't have any work until after I had the baby. I had the one tooth pulled and continued to suffer.
I suffered for several years until I couldn't stand it anymore. That's when I found Dr. Bret.
The Sleep Doctor.
I was sedated and had a cleaning and an examination of work I needed done. The list was long but I began to chip away at it tooth by tooth. I also began to not be as fearful. I would let them clean my teeth without having to be sedated, but still needed it for the work.
Although I have to say I haven't had to have any work done in over 5 years.
Mason and I faithfully go together every 6 months and he sits and watches while I have my teeth cleaned. I usually leave nail marks in the arms of the chair because I am squeezing it so hard but I do my best to try not to let Mason see my fear.
He loves to go to the dentist. He hasn't had a cavity in four years. On Monday when went they gave us our goodie bags. In them are some referral cards for a free cleaning and exam. Mason goes " Cool can I use this for a free cleaning, nothing feels better then having your teeth cleaned."
After all of these years of stress and anxiety, I actually now have to agree with my boy, he is such an amazing role model for me.

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