Friday, May 8, 2009

What might have I been thinking...

Since becoming a parent I feel like I have become somewhat stagnant in my musical taste. I was driving down the freeway last night when a song came on by the group the Violent Femmes. You may have heard them, one of there songs has been made into a commercial for Wendy's. I remember laughing about it when the commercial came out. I told Eric that if people really new the words to that song they would freak.
Anyway, listening to that song brought back so many memories. I have seen them twice in concert and the adventures of both of those concerts are great stories for another day.
Listening to that song made me wonder what the heck I was thinking. The rythm and the music is good. But oh my goodness the lyrics, those catchy, disgusting lryics. I guess I must be getting old or maybe I am just getting some musical taste.

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