Friday, August 21, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Yes, I know that is normally a phrase you hear at Christmastime. However, for me back to school time and the beginnings of fall is my favorite. I love the first day of school, it makes me happy to get Mason back on a structured schedule. Not to say I do not enjoy the fun freedom of summer. But there is just something about knowing day in and day out exactly what is going on.
Although this year I have really struggled. About two weeks ago we found out that Mason was not allowed to transfer to his old school, so he was going to have to attend the local school. I do not know who it has been harder on him or me. So on Monday with a knot in my stomach I registered him in a new school, where he knows no one, and has to make friends over again.I try not to let him see my tears and I hope that they will eventually stop. I have prayed that Mason will be strong and it seems that my prayers have been answered. The first day of school Mason called when he got home and said he hated school and couldn't we just move back home. Today was better. I pray that next week the upward trend will continue.

1 comment:

Kass said...

I love this time of year too! It came way to fast for me though and I was sad to say goodbye to my 2 big kids for the whole day! How tough to start Mason out somewhere new...he is an incredible kid and will be surrounded by friends in no time!

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