Thursday, September 3, 2009

"A good friend of my son's is a son to me."

L-R Jared, Zack, Calvin, Malcolm, Spencer, Ian,Harrison, and Mason

and boy do I have an extra few!!!

L-R Calvin,Harrison, Zack, Mason, Malcolm, Jake, and Adam
These are all of Mason's buddies. He has known each and everyone of these boys since he was 5 years old.

I was talking with one of my friends (who happens to be one of Mason's friends Mom) this afternoon about registering Mason at his new(old) school.

I was walking out of the school after I had paid Mason's school fees when I heard a yell, "Where is Mason" I turned to see one of Mason's buddies running at me down the hall. I told him Mason was on his way to 2nd period but I was sure he would find him somewhere. This sweet boy ran yelling down the hall "Mason's back Mason's back." It made me smile.

I started walking again when I ran into another friend. He asked if Mason was back in school. I told him yes and he said " I am so happy he is back, I missed him alot."

One more turn and I ran into my friends son. He said" Hey Sister Jamo, (He always calls me that) is Mason back in school now." I told him yes and he asked if he could help us move on Friday. I told him of coarse he could we would be happy to have his help.

I was beginning to wonder if I was going to run into all of his friends, but only just one more. The last one I saw as I was walking out the door. He said "Mason's back. I am so excited things were just weird without him, it was always like something was missing." I told him he was inside the school somewhere.

After this experience I got in my car and cried. I realized Mason's group of friends was very important to him and he was just as important to them. I personally grieved over the thought of him not being with them at school, and after school, and on the weekends, and at church, and every other possible time they can be together. But the grieving is now over. As I told this story to my friend tears began to well up in her eyes and of coarse I joined in.

I have watched these boys grow up together with my own son. I think they each are such a precious part of our lives. I am so thankful that Mason is going to be able to be with his "Brothers" once again.Our house has been just way to quiet.

"I don't remember how they happened to meet each other. I don't remember who got along with whom first. All I can remember is all of them together...always"

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