Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Word full Wednesday....

"In today's world, where Satan's aggression against the family is so prevalent, parents must do all they can to fortify and defend their families. But their efforts may not be enough. Our most basic institution of family desperately needs help and support from the extended family. Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins can make a powerful difference in the lives of children. Remember that the expression of love and encouragement from an extended family member will often provide the right influence and help a child at a critical time." "What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 43

My grandmother has instilled such a strong sense of family in her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I am so thankful to have such a strong an supportive family, we may not always be close together but anyone of us is a phone call away.We are blessed to have had so many precious and special moments and memories that we have shared with one another. I am so happy that Mason has had the influence of such a loving and caring family in his life to guide and influence him as he goes through his life.

This is all of the Johnson cousins minus Justin who is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Mexico. This is the first time we have all been together since my wedding 17 years ago.

This is the all of the Stanton Granchildren.Minus Lorin who was running after Zoe. We take this picture every year at the family reunion. I will have to pull out the very first one and post it. Mason was just one at the time.

The entire Johnson Clan minus Mason. He was missing in action. We were in charge of the Reunion this year. We did a Luau theme with Fire Dancers and all. This picture was taken right before we began the sit down dinner for 250 people. The weather was beautiful and we had an incredible time. I am so very thankful to have all these wonderful people in our lives.

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