Saturday, October 17, 2009

And even more randomness...

Disclaimer: I love these little surveys and this one is one I haven't seen before. I love the thoughtof having very random information down for future generation to read. I can't say that these are the most important things to know about people but it's still fun. Enjoy or don't, I won't mind either way.If you were one of the Seven Dwarfs, which one would you be?
Happy- is that one of the seven dwarfs?
Have you ever thrown popcorn at people and then pretended it wasn't you?
Have you ever flown first class?
Yes, I have also flown in a plane that the pilot was the flight attendant.
Would you rather surf in California or ski in Vermont?
Neither I would rather lay on a beach
What is one topping that you must have on your pizza?
Cheese makes the pizza
Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction books?
Depends on my mood
Would you rather read books or magazines?
Books in bed and magazine by the pool or at the Salon
Have you ever seen a shooting star?
Have you ever had your cheek pinched by a relative?
Afraid so
Have you ever torn your pants in public?
I sure have, I was so mad.
Do you know how a bill is passed in Congress?
Yes, Thanks to School House Rock
Do you know the difference between a conjunction and an adjective?
Sure do
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Do you chew on ice?
Yes, but only pebble ice from Sonic
Do you watch TV or read before bedtime?
Are you allergic to anything?
Bees, and codeine
How many times a week do you wash your hair?
Every other day, so three or four depending on the week.
Do you own plaid pants?
Several pairs
Have you ever been in a natural disaster?
Yes, the famous Salt Lake tornado struck down three blocks from our house
Have you ever had food in a restaurant so bad that you sent it back?
I sure have. But I was afraid to send it back for fear of them spitting in it. I complained and got everyone's meals at a discount.
Have you ever touched a live chicken?
Yes, one of my best friends had a chicken that used to come in the house through the dog door and lay eggs in a basket on the counter. She would also sit on your lap and watch TV.
What about a live turkey?
Yes and I hate them.
Do you sleep in pajamas?
Most of the time, unless I pass out in my clothes.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
Actually I can.
Do you just try it?
What is the opposite of a hamburger?
A steak
Do you talk in your sleep?
I don"t think so
Have you ever played in the rain?
Have you ever swallowed your gum?
Yes, but it's been 7 years. That's the rule right?
Have you ever been ice-fishing?
Why? Don't those fisherman know the same fish are around in the summer? Silly boys, will do anything to get out of the house.
What is the most inappropriate place your cell phone has rang?
While I was using the bathroom
Have you ever called 911 on accident?
Have you ever gone white water rafting?
All the time. I love it.
Have you ever faked sick?
To miss work no, to miss church no, to miss going to visit relatives yes.
How many times have you broken a bone?
Three- Ribs, an ankle bone, and a toe I didn't even know was broken until I went to the doctor to have a different toe x-rayed. The toe that I went in for was fine.
Can you do a flip on a trampoline?
Iused to do them front ways and back ways, although they now give me panic attacks to even watch kids jump on.
Have you ever surfed?
Can't say that I have
Have you ever fallen off a horse?
Yes, but I got right back on.
Have you ever sucessfully pogoed on a pogo stick?
Yes, pogoing is the bomb.
Do you eat breakfast?
Would you rather shave your head or stop talking for a year?
As if I have a choice. Call me Mr. Clean
Have you ever sleepwalked?
I do not think so
Can you flip your eyelids up?
No, gross
Are you double jointed?
Have you ever gotten gum in your hair?
Yes. When I was little a boy at church stuck a huge wad in my hair. I think he wanted to marry me
Have you ever thrown up on a roller coaster?
Nope, almost but never.
Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?
Does dog jerky count?and it wasn't on purpose
Can you pick things up with your toes?
Do you try to just do it?
Would you rather clean the bathroom or the kitchen?
The kitchen by far
Have you ever blown your nose at the dinner table?
Never that is just gross
Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?
More times then I should say. Thank goodness for keypad's
Have you ever made a semi-truck honk?
Yes, we used to have contests.
Would you rather be cross eyed or have a huge nose?
I'd take the nose. It's nothing a good Plastic Surgeon couldn't fix.
Would you rather jump in a dumster or in a vat of honey?
I'll tkae the honey.
What is your favorite breed of dog?
Labs. They are the smartest. My Daisy just learned how to be sneaky. It's the funniest thing. I'll post a video soon
Have you ever licked the tip of a ball point pen?
Have you ever eaten frog legs?
Yes, taste like chicken.
Have you ever stuck your tong to a frozen metal pole?
No, a metal ice cube tray though
Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?
Yes, My neice and I were having a race the other day to see who could get the bubbles to the top of the cup first. I won.
Have you ever been in the Laides/Mens room?
Absolutley. I won't stand in line for the ladies room if there is a mens room available. Nothing in there I have't seen before.
Have you ever smelled your own feet?
No, my feet don't stink
Have you ever broken a mirror?
Well let's see, I have moved three times in the past year. So the odds were against me.
Have you ever fallen asleep in a movie theatre?
Yes, that's why I don;t like to see movies at the theatre
Have you ever used a slingshot?
Have you ever bathed a dog?
Daisy gets one everyweek although she prefers showers
Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your nose?
Can't say that I have
Can you read while traveling without getting sick?
Anywhere but a car


Shantel said...

We are kindred spirits. I only like Sonic ice too. DO youknow they sell it by the bag? I know because I had Joel buy it for me during my pregnancies.

Jenn said...

Yes, I buy bags of it all of the time in the summer.

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