Monday, January 18, 2010

So I am not a good Mormon....

That's what he said.
Who is he you say? He, would be a gentlemen I happened upon on facebook.
Why did he decide I am not a good Mormon? Because I teased my neighbor.
Why did I tease my neighbor? Because she deserved it.
I recently came across a cute little list on Facebook called"You know you are in Utah when."
I though it was funny. It is as long as you don't take things like that to seriously. It is if you don't take life to seriously. Of coarse about 95% of it was focused on Mormon's and on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I was reading the wall and this gentlemen had written a comment about how rude the list was and how he was going to report it. I was thinking. "Wow, this is one really sensitive guy."
Then I got into a discussion group.
I saw a discussion about how bugged people from Utah were when they traveled out of the state and people asked them if they were Mormon.
I read all the comments about how rude it was to assume that, on and on and on, there were a few mixed in about what a good opportunity it might be to provide information to other about the church. Also some joking about how one guy always answers "Of coarse I am Mormon I'm from Utah are you ready to be converted."
Wanting to twist the conversation a little I made the comment that I myself find it rude when people in Utah, when meeting someone for the first time ask if they are a member of the church.
This is were the teasing of my neighbor comes in.
Let's go back to the Fall of `08
We were moving (this was the first move last year) One of the neighbors game up to introduce herself. Conversation went as follows...
"Hi, I'm Susie. We live in the house below. We have 6 kids, 5 girls and a boy. My husband Jo works at the Post office. But we would love to help you come get settled when he gets home from work.We are so excited to have someone be moving into this house. The last people ...... yadayadayada."
" Well I am Jenn, that's Eric, and somewhere around here is our son Guido. We are good on help but will let you know if we need anything."
" You guys are members of the church aren't you?"
"No, Actually we are Buddhist."
"Oh!!!Well I have to go now. "
"See you Susie"
Let's just say the look on her face at church on Sunday was too priceless for words. Her husband even thought it was hilarious. It was one of those sacrament meetings that I had to sit in the foyer because I couldn't stop giggling.
As I got back a few comments on facebook. Mostly people defending why it is okay to ask if you are a member of the church. Although did have a few people that think as I do, that no where but in Utah is that a question that you get asked. So I shared this story and really upset this Facebook friend of mine. He told me that as a member of the Church he found no humor in what I did and that I was a not a good Mormon. He also told me that if he ever found out where I lived he was going to report me to my bishop for being such a bad Mormon.
Luckily, somebody either reported him or facebook picked up on his threat because he is gone.
Wow, some people take things so seriously. I for one don't, so I will not worry to much about the bad Mormon thing.

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