Friday, March 5, 2010

Be loyal to the absent...

Friends are such a complex thing. Last post I was praising them. This one not so much.
Yesterday, I had a friend that lost her job. It was such sad news to hear because of all of the many years this woman had dedicated to this company. Another one of my friends who worked for the same company lost her job earlier last month.
Well apparently this second friend blamed the first friend for losing her job, so yesterday on facebook she was gloating about how this woman had lost her job. She had tried to mirror her gloating under the guise of Karma.
It made me so sad to see. I had always looked up to this person. She was such a happy, friendly person. It bothered me all night long and I felt like I had to say something to her about it. So when I said something to her, instead of her recognizing maybe she shouldn't have been rejoicing in the misfortune of another, what did she do but drop me as a friend.
It is really sad because she will never know how much my first friend fought to try to keep her job for her. I tried to tell her this but her anger seems to be controlling her, hopefully someday she will find her peace. I feel better because I did not let it go and just sit back and let my friend be bad mouthed. One of the most important things I have learned in life is to never be afraid to say what you think and stand behind it. So if I lose a friend over it, maybe they weren't a friend I wanted to have in the first place.

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