Monday, March 22, 2010

Did you really just say that???

I am sitting at the doctor's office today waiting my turn for my appointment. Now I do not know if I was overly annoyed because I was going on 45 minutes after my appointment time and the two people ahead of me in line had yet to be called back yet. But if I had to wait one more moment with this annoying women there would have been a scene right there in the waiting room.
When you walk into the clinic there is a sign on the door stating that they would appreciate that all cell phone calls be taken out in the lobby. Apparently this women missed the sign. She was there with her teenage daughter, I am guessing to be about 13 or 14. After I checked in I began to notice this women was one of those people who think they have to talk REALLY loud into the cell phone because the person on the other end isn't going to hear them. So this women spent the first 15 minutes of my wait time trying to figure out away to get her child home from high school.
I guess that her husband was on a business call and the neighbor who helps them out sometimes was not available because her she had a really bad case of diarrhea from something she ate on a date with her husband on Saturday night. Luckily though her son has a friend that he caught a ride home with.
Now normally I do not listen in on other people telephone conversations but there was no listening in. Everyone heard the conversation. We also got to hear all about the gentlemen in her ward that had to have some cancerous growths removed. I am sure his wife didn't realize the conversation about her husband was being relayed to an entire medical clinic. The best though was when she shared with another friend that her daughter had to come see the doctor because she was having problems when she urinated.
That's when I lost it. when I saw her daughter's mortified face. I stood up to go and say something to her just as the nurse called them back to see the doctor.
Good thing. I would have hated to have gotten kicked out of the doctor's office after waiting so long.


NatureGirl said...

LOL poor kid. I wish you had been able to say something...

Jenn said...

I know. I kept getting more and more bugged at this women. You could tell the poor girl was in pain and then she was just upset.

nancy said...

OH man... what a beast of a mom. I would have been mortified. Good for you for wanting to stick up for her... Makes you wonder why you have to be courteous and keep the doc running on time when Obviously that wasn't the case in return

Found you at Mormonmommyblogs!

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