Saturday, March 27, 2010

Remember sheep will follow one another off a cliff without even knowing it....

The signing of the Health Care Reform has brought out many emotions across this great country of ours. Emotions that have presented themselves both for good and for bad. I have been overly frustrated by the ignorance I have seen by many people. People who say they are standing up for their rights, standing up because they are a christian, or standing up because it is the patriotic thing to do.
It is funny because as I watch what is being said and how people are acting it reminds me of sheep following the herd. They don't really know why they disagree with the Health Care Reform, they just do. It is just plain ignorance. If you are going to speak out against something at least know why you are speaking out against it.
I saw a group on Facebook that was something to the extent of "I am paying your health care now so you better quit smoking and drinking."
Well guess what folks it isn't just those people with addictions that don't have health care. It is those people like my three year old niece who has a "Pre-existing heart condition"and it is the woman with Breast Cancer, and the teenager with a Traumatic Brain Injury and the list goes on and on.
I look at these types of groups and I always wonder how black and ugly these peoples hearts must be. Do they not know that Jesus loves all of his children? He loves the drug addict and the little child, as well as the mother and the prophet and the prostitute. He loves each and everyone of us just the same. We are all his children. If he was here on the earth he would not bypass one of us to take care of the other. So why should we?


nancy said...

Sorry. I was browsing after reading your post. But out son is considered unisurable. He is 4 .He has had all of these since about birth. I totally agree with you. SOmething has to be done .

Jenn said...

No reason to apologize. I pray all works out for your son. It is sad when a 4 year old is considered unisurable.

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