Thursday, February 3, 2011

and the baby daddy is....

I have observed many a talk show this week. Way too many talk shows, I have seen about enough of them to have had my fill for this year and probably next. Although I should turn them off they are like a train and you have to keep on watching to see what happens.
What brought me to this place? Sunday, I woke up and started to get ready for church. But then I felt like I was hit by a truck. I went back to bed and there I stayed until Monday night, when Eric got home from work he dragged me out of bed and to the doctor's.

Temp- check, chest pain -check, body aches- check. 
You have the flu..No work for the week...$100.00 worth of prescriptions 
Go home and go to bed!!!

Well that is easier said then done. I can only stay put for so long then bordom sets in. So I started searching for entertainment and that's where I found it. Those lovely daytime talk shows, those "Whose your babies daddy?" and "My Mom dresses like a hooker"
Like I said they where like a train wreck but they also did something else. They also made me very thankful for those I do have in my life. So today on this Thankful Thursday I reflect on my own "Baby Daddy" Eric, my love, my husband who goes out of his way to treat me like a princess. While I have been sick he has seen to my every need, making sure that I have drinks and am comfortable and warm enough. I am so blessed he does this when I am not well, but he treats me this way all of the time. How thankful I am to have such an amazing husband.
I love you honey!!!

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