Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's like Christmas all over again....

During our last move I kept coming across unprocessed rolls of film, not just a few rolls,but like 10 or so.  So I stuck them in my night stand drawer and promised myself that I was going to begin processing them little by little. Not knowing what is on any of them, how old they might be or if they will even turn out I decided to not print pictures, just a disc.
Walgreens was having a half off sale on their discs, so I took 5 of the rolls down there yesterday. I was so happy when they said I could get them back in three hours. I was so full of excitement when I drove home from Walgreen's I couldn't wait to see what treasures awaited me on those discs. I was so happy to see the wonderful memories I had found

Dan and Erin's Wedding

Kenya's First Skating Program

KP's Baptism Luncheon

I've gotta run but promise to post some more tommorow......


Anonymous said...

Is that the SIL you have had such problems with? You can tell she is not a very pleasant person just by the look on her face. Wasn't that her son's baptism that day.You would think she would be glowing.
Bless you!
Miss M.

Anonymous said...

PS. The pictures are adorable. What a find :c)
Love you.

Jenn said...

Oh M, I know!!! Wait until you see the pictures I post tommorow. They are just priceless. Eric and I laughed so hard we were crying. I posted them on FB under Mikey's first B-day. The ones with the kids chasing the chickens cracked us up too. Considering we were at LaCaille, so everyone was all dressed up and fancy, and here are our kids running around chasing the chickens.So many great memories.
Love you too!!!

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