Saturday, June 4, 2011

Random thoughts by Jenn Jam....

When I was a kid I remember it being sunny and hot on Memorial day weekend. No sweaters, no snow. I think there may be something to all this Global warming stuff.Except isn't it supposed to be making things warmer. This is the third year in a row we haven't had a pool day on Memorial day and it's making me grumpy.
One of my little guys passed away on Tuesday night. The loss of another sweet spirit I was blessed to have known. How lucky am I to have all of these wonderful people in my life. I thank Heavenly father everyday for the opportunity he gave me to enjoy spending my life serving these individuals.
I am so excited we will be helping with the Strawberries and cream booth at strawberry days this year. Guido wasn't to excited that I volunteered him but we will be running the 5K and then off to the booth to cut up berries all day. What a great way to spend the day and give back to the community.
My poor garden is crying to go outside.My tomato plants are now 3' tall and have tomatoes on them but I have yet to  put them out for fear of them freezing. I guess all take the leap this week. That or turn into a hydroponic gardener.
I am so looking forward to sitting on the beach  in Maui. the sand, the sun, the doing nothing. Ahh, will it ever come soon enough?
My son is nothing short of amazing.. While enjoying the beautiful (not) weather last weekend in Mt. Pleasant. Instead of watching TV, playing video games or watching a movie. He entertained the kids by helping them to develop and create their own board game. What a kid. I am so proud of him and what a sweet young man he is growing up to be.
And last of all it's Summer. Well, at least according to the calendar. Of coarse the weekends are filling up quickly, full of traditional summer activities as well as new fun things we are going to do. Our weekends are so precious to us as a family and we are so thankful to be able to enjoy them and enjoy one another.

1 comment:

Em @ Inspired Coincidences said...

Can I just say I love your randomness?! I totally hear you on the weird Memorial Day weather business, so wrong!

stopping by from MMB's post of the week =)

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