Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Holiday Tree, Oh Holiday Tree.....

I have had more then one person talk about keeping Christ in Christmas. Posting on facebook about how Obama had put forth an order removing anything "Christ " oriented from Christmas and officially stating that there will be no more Christmas tree. From this day forward it shall refer to it as a "Holiday" tree and all decorations depicting any images of Christ will be removed. Well,In the article I read dismissing said order being handed down from Obama, it talked about how the First Lady actually has a beautiful Nativity that is placed beneath one of their Christmas not (holiday) trees.
I find it perfectly normal to refer to the Holiday season as just that and I will say happy holidays versus Merry Christmas. The Holiday Season encompasses just what it says "The Holiday Season" which includes, Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice, St, Nicholas Day, Chanukah, Kwanza, Christmas and celebrating the coming of the new year. Now some of those holidays are only christian holidays and some are not.
In the early days of the south, they would celebrate what was called "The Season." It would begin with a parade on Thanksgiving and actually culminate on New Years Eve with a great Ball. All holidays being part of that Season.
I myself have a strong belief that Jesus Christ be the center if Christmas. But I am also friends with others who celebrate many other holidays during the Holiday Season. So when I am saying Happy Holiday's to people, it is not because I am trying to take Christ out of Christmas. Actually, far from it. It is because I am also wishing my fellow brothers and sisters of this world, christian or not, a Happy Holiday season. Is that not what Christ would do or would he leave them out saying you are not Christian therefor we shall not celebrate nor recognize your customs or holidays?I think not.

1 comment:

J. said...

Well I agree. I don't find it an effective example of Christianity to force my religion down people's throats.

I think this aggressive thrust to make Christ about Christmas is a backlash at the attempts to secularize everything about public life.

While I can understand, I think trying to force our way of life on someone else is the same as secularists trying to wipe out any religious way of life. Neither are right.

I think we should be able to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa to each other accordingly and accept each others differences in peace and mutual respect.

If I live my life as Christ would want me to, I think that will be a far greater witness of Him than forcing people to see the holiday season my way.

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