Sunday, October 21, 2012

The truth will set you free....

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
― Gloria Steinem

My Sister-in-Law posted this quote on Facebook and it just got me thinking about the how true this is. I love this quote and it is amazing how it has steered my life in the direction that it needed to go in the past several years. 
When I first began to remember my past and the things that occurred in my childhood; I was angry, then sad, then began to accept what had happened to me. Once I reached that step of acceptance my entire world changed. My health is better. I have almost lost 180 pounds. I run now almost everyday. I feel stronger. Emotionally, I have learned to let go of resentment and anger I had towards my Step-father. It also included letting go of the fear I still had of him. Even though he has been deceased for almost two decades and I am a grown women; I still feared him. Yet, I didn't know why. The relationships that had been in a state of turmoil for so long are no longer dwelling in that state. Some have moved forward; some I have been able to let go of. 
I have learned you have to let that anger go. It is funny because I compare that anger to food cravings. If you can just let them pass you can just move on and be stronger for it. There have been so many times where I have wanted to strike back and lash out at those who angered me. Just to make them hurt like they are trying to hurt me but I have learned to just let it go. I know I have said this before but the emotions and the food go hand in hand. It is nice to have that control, it is nice to be free.

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