Thursday, June 18, 2009

To be private or not to be private, is there really a question....

I was having a debate at work today about whether blogs should be private or not. It seems to me that if you go to all the effort to create a blog, why not share it. I am more then happy to share my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with others. I am not afraid to share them in person and I am not afraid to share them on the world wide web. I have had a few blogs that I follow go private and I am sad to say I never read them anymore. I believe that you can easily protect your anonymity in other ways then going private. There are so many strong, wonderful people out there that should take the opportunity to share their happiness with others. I think of it as a way to share my testimony, my beliefs, and my wonderful family. I do this in the hopes that maybe someone could be uplifted, edified or just have a better day from something I wrote or shared. I know I have had my attitude changed, my day brightened, or a smile brought to my face just from having the opportunity to read someone elses thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. So to all of you wonderful people out there, thank you for sharing.

1 comment:

Alyssa McVey said...

My blog was private for a while, but no one wanted to take the time to sign in to look at it... so that kind of killed the point.

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