Monday, July 20, 2009

Honey, Where did you park the car ???

I am sure everyone has had it happen. You walk out of the mall and can't find your car. I usually do on occasion but usually it is when I am on the phone while parking and not paying attention to where I have parked.
But I will bet it is rare to be asking that question in your own home.
Well that was the kind of discussion Eric and I had last night.
I was in the shower when I heard the garage door. I thought that's weird I wonder where Eric is going. I went down and looked in the garage, no Eric. I went back to our room and grabbed my phone. I called Eric to ask him where he was and he said he was in the basement. I told him he wasn't funny and said really where are you. He told me again he was in the basement. I asked him where the care was then. He said what do you mean where is the car, it is in the garage. But of coarse it wasn't.
We have had the fun privilege of having our car stolen. It is funny though I am not as upset about the car as I am the stuff in the car. Like my brand new camera, my mp3 player and the worst I remembered this morning, my favorite hoodie. I realize that it is all replaceable and it is just stuff but it still sucks. We found my purse on the side of the road this morning of coarse nothing of value left in it. Oh well, I guess that someone else needed it more then I did. I hope they are enjoying the A/C I just got fixed.
Luckily, the insurance company says that 9 times out of 10 they find the car in a few weeks. I am hoping so, would really like my hoodie back.


Casdok said...

I hope they do find your car and in 1 piece.

Jenn said...

This is a great quote. Thank you to whomever shared it.

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