Sunday, January 24, 2010

Choosing the better path....

I did something earlier today that I would truly like to apologize for. I wrote on open letter to someone who does her best to hurt me whenever she possibly can.
The problem is I always allow myself to fall for it. I get hurt and upset, get mad and try to hurt back. She has done this for years and I have let her have the control for way to long.
However, something just clicked this afternoon. A friend emailed me to ask what had happened this time. As I was explaining the situation I realized that once again I was choosing to let her actions cause me to be upset. It is now time for me to choose the better path. To not allow her actions to effect me so negatively. To continue to understand that we all have to be responsible for our own actions and we will all one day have to be accountable for the way that we treat others. That I need to just continue to love her, because she is my sister, because she is a member of my family. That I need to continue to not allow myself to become upset by her actions because they are the actions of someone who themselves is hurting and is not happy in their own lives.
So with the post deleted, I want to apologize to those of you who read it. It wasn't appropriate and was written in a moment of anger and frustration. Please wish me luck on "Choosing the better path" in the future.

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