Monday, January 4, 2010

Jenn's top 10 ways not to get the job....

10-Put your name on the application
and then write "See Resume" really big across the rest of it
9-Be late to the interview
8-Talk really loud on your cell phone while waiting in the lobby to be interviewed
7-Don't wear a bra or have your bra hanging out of your shirt
6-Show up in a car with a Slumber Party Toys Wrapper on it
and ask to leave some brochures in the lobby
5- Refer to me as Jenny before, during, or after the interview
4-Bring your Mother, wife, girlfriend, significant other
or a big gulp with you into the interview
3-Say you absolutely will not work holidays, nights, or weekends
2- Ask if you will get to work with those cute little retarded kids.
and the #1 way not to get the job.
Show up to the interview in a pair of these!!!Disclaimer: The above situations although altered somewhat are real situations and have occurred over the many years I have participated in interviewing potential employees.At no time EVER did any applicant really not get a position based on any of the above reasons. They didn't get the job for an entirely different set of reasons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a wonderful post to know some details about what not to do when attending the job interview. Thanks for sharing these information. Getting a new job in this aggressive market is very difficult duty and sound job interview groundwork is a main element of several plans to get success in the interview. It is true that when the candidate will plan to get success in the job interview definitely the person will get success.

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