Friday, November 26, 2010

Please no pushing, shoving or fighting....

On this most sacred of days, I must pause to honor all of those wonderful comments heard or maybe said at the wee hours of this not just chilly but freezing 6 degree morning.Today I am celebrating a decade of cold, sleepless Fridays that follow that wonderful day of Thanksgiving. Every year I say I am not going, that I am done with the craziness. However, every year there I am in the trenches, neck and neck ready to do battle. People question why. They question the sanity of the whole thing, but it is not to question. It is a tradition in my family, as much as Turkey and cranberries on Thanksgiving Day. After dinner, usually over dessert or second helpings we break out the ads, figure out what everyone needs and make a game plan. Then we break until morning when it is game on.

So without further adieu....

Mother, my arm is going numb. It's been 3 hours can someone else come and put there hand on this Kitchen Aid mixer.

Wow!!! Did that lady really just get her arm broken over a $10 toy?

Where are you all off to at this time of day?

Did I really just wait in this store for six hours for a $1.97 video?

I didn't realize the lines would be this bad, we just wanted to pick up this camera.

Why are you standing at that little pile of Blue Ray's when they have a huge unwrapped pallet sitting right back here?

Where's (fill in anyone child's name)?

Holy crap!!!Did you see those lines?

Someone really brought an RV to sleep in while waiting all night at Target...come on people, "If your gonna play with the big boys, you better suck it up!"

Come on Lady, "Just sit the last Lego castle down, sit it down.You want Star Wars they are cooler."

Drop the DS Lite...You don't have a magic ticket!!!

Is that person really grocery shopping...Today and Now??? Did they not get the memo?

and my personal favorite conversation of the day....

Random Ornery Lady: Don't you just hate it when people show up at the 11th hour when we have all been standing here waiting all night?

Me: Oh, were you talking to me? Must be your first time. I promise you next year you won't be standing by any camera for 5 hours when you can walk up five minutes before the sale starts and get one.

ROL: You think you are getting one of these cameras?

Me: No, actually I need three.

ROL: Over my dead body.

5:00am hits and I get my three cameras. ROL scowling at me rams into me as she pushes me aside.
I made sure to tell her "Merry Christmas!"


Mormon Mommy Blogs said...

I have only done the Black Friday madness once. And it was horrifying.

Julie said...

So glad I stayed home.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I checked out Black Friday last year. We left at 6am and found everything we were looking for, without spending the night on a sidewalk.

Jess the photographer behind the lens at JWilsonPix said...

I have never gone.. and plan to never start... lol.... it is too much random oneriness for me.... Id rather wait and miss the deals... and just listen to the stories of those warriors who dare the masses.... =)

Lara Neves said...

I love Black Friday. Especially since I moved to a small town and it is nowhere near as bad as I was used to.

Your last conversation made me laugh. I'm glad you got your three cameras! What was your secret?

Jenn said...

Lara- the secret it while everyone is while everyone is grabbing from the top you sneak in at the ground level :)

Jenn said...

It works everytime!!!

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