Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Delta, Delta, Delta......

What a weekend. There is not much more in this world that I enjoy then spending time with my family. From hanging out at the pool, to late nights and laughs by the fire, all of the joyous tears and of coarse the amazing food. This year the Anderson family did not disappoint and what an enjoyable time.

Fire starting competition. It was so intense.

The Johnson family singers. Every year my grandmother gets upset because we won't get up and sing. This year we surprised her by all getting up and signing "Proud to be an American." Just for her.

A new tire swing and the kids didn't leave it all weekend.

Johnson Great-Grandchildren- Utah Chapter

Me and my everythings

Finally got the kid to smile.
Uncle Brett and the baby

My sweet, moody teenager.

Katyana and Aunt Jenny

Eric and the sister-wives

The remaining sisters. Nana, Doreen, Bonnie, Zara, Vonda
Honoring all the troops.

Uniforms of our ancestors

My grandfathers medals from WWII.

Johnson's 2011

Stanton Kids 2011


The Holmgrens said...

Love the pics!

Jenn said...

Thanks Mindi.You all did an amazing job!!!

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