Saturday, January 14, 2012

I love you, Pass it on.....

I am not one for making resolutions. I don't believe in them and I don't think I ever will. However there are things that I will do differently in the new year and when 2012 comes to an end I will not look back on the year with regret.
One of the best things I have done so far is to let people know how much I care about them and how much they mean to me. I spent some time this holiday season writing to many of the people that made a difference in my life. People that I don't know how I would have ever made it through without. People that have changed the course and direction of my life. However large or small they made a difference. Some of those people I really haven't "talked" to in years.
One of these people was the mother of my best friend in grade school, Helen. I happened to run into her at my cousin's funeral. I have seen her from time to time around town when we would be down visiting my grandmother. We would make small talk, idle chatter. Never anything meaningful, and I have never told her how much I appreciated all that she had done for me. So I let her know.
Interestingly, the next week, two of my childhood friends stopped by my grandmothers house. They shared with her how much they appreciated both she and my grandfather. They reminisced about the great memories we had shared and really brightened my grandmothers day.
I realized that day that I saw Helen at that funeral that I was never going to let another moment go by without telling her how much she mean to me. I was never going to let others know how much they mean to me. So when the opportunity arises I will let them know and if they don't reciprocate that is fine. I just want to show my appreciation and love for those who have made a difference to me in my life. I am no longer holding back telling people how much I love them and I am going to pass it on....

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