Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ye of little faith....

Can I just start out by saying that my husband is....
He has become quite the little house father while he has been off from work. He not only cleans but he has been looking up wonderful recipes to try and cook each and every night so I come home from work with a wonderful meal on the table. It has been quite the treat. 
Two weeks ago, he sent me a text and told me that the TV had died. We talked about buying a new one but just felt that with him being out of a job it really couldn't happen. We went and got out old TV from the playroom in the basement. (Interesting enough this is the TV we bought the year we were married so it is 19 years old.)It's not a bad TV, it is good sized, still works after all of these years, and all that is wrong with it is the power button doesn't work.
When I got home from work that evening Eric told me he had figured out what was wrong with the TV and  was going to fix it. I laughed and said,"Okay, you go right ahead and fix the TV." He was really excited and told me it was going to cost less then $20 dollars to fix our $500.00 TV. I still showed little enthusiasm, but figured it was a nice little project for him to work on. 
Last Monday when the part came he was like a little boy on Christmas day. So excited and he couldn't wait to get started. He had picked up his soldering equipment on Monday afternoon and was planning to begin the project on Tuesday. 
I just smiled as he talked about it. what little did I know, and shame on me for having such little faith in my husband. 
When I left for work on Tuesday, I kissed him goodbye and told him not to burn the house down. 
Two hours later he sent me this picture.... 
This is the $1.20 part that many people just throw away there TV's for... 
 Shame on me for not having a little trust and faith in my husband. He showed me. So the next time he tells me he can fix something, I guess I won't just worry that he is going to burn the house down.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Enjoyed reading your post today.
I love it when my husband cooks and even now I can set something out on the counter for dinner and when he comes home if I am busy he will whip something together.
Repairing things doesn't usually turn out as well.
Check out my blog Living Waters @ http://lgwilliams.blogspot.com

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